D.C. cop draws gun at snowball fight

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
And it gets better: he was driving an H3 Hummer <*cough cough* pussy!>

Cops are just human beings with guns and power.
you don't fuck with them.
the cop was wrong for getting out of his vehicle he should have called in reinforcement from inside.
the Kids were right in principle but you don't antagonize an armed man with a gun especially a cop.
Police protect their own, no matter how wrong the officer is.
throwing the snowball at the vehicle was wrong, but the cop drawing his weapon was worse.
kids were right to chant but when the cop approached them and started antagonizing them they should have backed off.

I've had this happen to me in a back parking lot of a movie theater, because I wanted to listen to music and sort through sewing fabric to kill time before a movie started.
the cops justification was I didn't look like someone who does sewing (and I don't, but I do).
he asked me what movie I was going to, I cringed because it was Julie and Julia.
fortunately before I could answer an elderly couple pulled in to the same back lot and just sat in the car, so the cop left.
when a cop decides to abuse their authority, there is nothing anyone can do but ride it out and hope for the best.

Will E Worm

I've had this happen to me in a back parking lot of a movie theater, because I wanted to listen to music and sort through sewing fabric to kill time before a movie started.
the cops justification was I didn't look like someone who does sewing (and I don't, but I do).
he asked me what movie I was going to, I cringed because it was Julie and Julia.
fortunately before I could answer an elderly couple pulled in to the same back lot and just sat in the car, so the cop left.
when a cop decides to abuse their authority, there is nothing anyone can do but ride it out and hope for the best.

You're telling me! I've got Trial for a honking ticket I got. Seriously. I was driving home from my job at the time, 7pm Friday, and some 98 year old man decides to completely stop in the middle of the road, almost causing the truck in front of me to rear-end him, and in turn me nearly rear-end the truck. So I let out one continuous horn blast lasting about a second and a half. Ticket. I shit you not, the cop walked around my car and just checked off random shit. I ended up getting Improper Use of Horn, Cracked/Discolored windshield, and Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance (which I proved the next day, by the way). So yeah. TRIAL. That means the hearing officer wouldn't drop it, the prosecutor at the arraignment wouldn't drop it, and now I have a court trial for honking the stock Acura horn that came installed in my car.:dunno::dunno:
What a fucking cocksucker. This is why I hate cops. Not only did the dumbshit grossly overreact by drawing his weapon, he escalated the situation to the brink of a riot, all to satisfy his pathetic superiority complex. Fuck suspension, he should be fired and charged with disorderly conduct, attempted assault with a deadly weapon, disturbing the peace, and whatever else can be thrown at him. If I hopped out in the middle of the street with a gun and started threatining people, I'd be in prison, or dead. Same should apply to this fucking lunatic.
What a moron.

It's probably not the best idea to throw snowballs at cars - especially on a city street - but his reaction was absurd and completely unhelpful.

He needs to get a new job.

Also, did anyone else notice how the whole fucking time his hummer was sitting there blocking more traffic??

Extremely annoying... and frustrating.


You're telling me! I've got Trial for a honking ticket I got. Seriously. I was driving home from my job at the time, 7pm Friday, and some 98 year old man decides to completely stop in the middle of the road, almost causing the truck in front of me to rear-end him, and in turn me nearly rear-end the truck. So I let out one continuous horn blast lasting about a second and a half. Ticket. I shit you not, the cop walked around my car and just checked off random shit. I ended up getting Improper Use of Horn, Cracked/Discolored windshield, and Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance (which I proved the next day, by the way). So yeah. TRIAL. That means the hearing officer wouldn't drop it, the prosecutor at the arraignment wouldn't drop it, and now I have a court trial for honking the stock Acura horn that came installed in my car.:dunno::dunno:

Most cops get paid OT for going to court, how bullshit is that!
It's funny that he waves the gun around, but he doesn't actually start talking to the crowd (in any real sense) or acting the "big man" until back up arrives.



It's funny that he waves the gun around, but he doesn't actually start talking to the crowd (in any real sense) or acting the "big man" until back up arrives.


Cause like most cops they are all pussies till help arrives. I believe that most cops were either
1. Picked on all their life and take it our on us now or
2. Military dropouts that think they are actually tough.
You're telling me! I've got Trial for a honking ticket I got. Seriously. I was driving home from my job at the time, 7pm Friday, and some 98 year old man decides to completely stop in the middle of the road, almost causing the truck in front of me to rear-end him, and in turn me nearly rear-end the truck. So I let out one continuous horn blast lasting about a second and a half. Ticket. I shit you not, the cop walked around my car and just checked off random shit. I ended up getting Improper Use of Horn, Cracked/Discolored windshield, and Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance (which I proved the next day, by the way). So yeah. TRIAL. That means the hearing officer wouldn't drop it, the prosecutor at the arraignment wouldn't drop it, and now I have a court trial for honking the stock Acura horn that came installed in my car.:dunno::dunno:

Wow man that is utterly brutal. :eek: