Paul Broun : "Evolution and the Big Bang is are lies from Hell"

Paul Broun: Evolution, Big Bang are ‘lies straight from pit of hell’

To the rest of the country, this may come as a bit of a surprise. To those of us in Georgia, not so much.

From the AP:

ATHENS, Ga. — Georgia Rep. Paul Broun said in videotaped remarks that evolution, embryology and the Big Bang theory are “lies straight from the pit of hell” meant to convince people that they do not need a savior.

The Republican lawmaker made those comments during a speech Sept. 27 at a sportsman’s banquet at Liberty Baptist Church in Hartwell. Broun, a medical doctor, is running for re-election in November unopposed by Democrats.

“God’s word is true,” Broun said, according to a video posted on the church’s website. “I’ve come to understand that. All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell. And it’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who are taught that from understanding that they need a savior.”

The quote comes at 34:50 in the video above, in which Broun first recounts his exploits as a big-game trophy hunter. Later, he witnesses for Christ and tells his own personal story of finding salvation at a moment of crisis. Personally, I think a more telling moment comes a little earlier, when he tells the audience that pastors of other, more mainstream Christian denominations “are going to send their people to hell” because in his opinion, they do not stress a personal relationship with their savior.

Broun, who is a physician by training, sits on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. I think it’s important to stress that the setting for his remarks is religious in character rather than political.

This guys denies scientific facts, he thinks the world was created within 6 days as it is writtent in the Genesis book and he sits on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology :wtf:

What would be qui interesting is that, someday, someone would make a list of alla republicans morons such as Todd Akin, Paul Broun, etc... Republican senators, congressmen or candidates who actually said or did shit. I think that list could be pretty long...
Tea party , here to take us back to the dark ages.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
^where in the story does it say he was at a Tea Party event? The man and the group he was speaking to are entitled to their beliefs. Any other view or ridicule of that view is un-American.


My Penis Is Dancing!
He may not have been speaking on behalf of the tea baggers at that particular event, but it is an established fact that Broun is a member of the Tea Party Caucus.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
The man and the group he was speaking to are entitled to their beliefs. Any other view or ridicule of that view is un-American.
To ridicule that he has the right to those views may be un-American, but to ridicule his views is very much American.
^where in the story does it say he was at a Tea Party event? The man and the group he was speaking to are entitled to their beliefs. Any other view or ridicule of that view is un-American.

Yeah he is a fricking tea party wingnut who is on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology and is pushing creationism. How dumb is that and anybody who supports him??? Don't expect us to sit back and allow idiots to push that without speaking up.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
And he will get re-elected because he has no opposition. Who's fault is that?

Will E Worm

They are things from the pit of hell. :clap:

^where in the story does it say he was at a Tea Party event? The man and the group he was speaking to are entitled to their beliefs. Any other view or ridicule of that view is un-American.

Yeah! ;)
This guys denies scientific facts, he thinks the world was created within 6 days as it is writtent in the Genesis book and he sits on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology :wtf:

What would be qui interesting is that, someday, someone would make a list of alla republicans morons such as Todd Akin, Paul Broun, etc... Republican senators, congressmen or candidates who actually said or did shit. I think that list could be pretty long...

Says Johan, who uses Gandhi in his signature.

Johan... perhaps you need to practice what you preach - Meaning, your "Signature". :rolleyes:

Gandhi believed in judging people of other faiths from their stand point rather than his own. He welcomed contact of Hinduism with other religions, especially the Christian doctrines, for he did not want to be debarred from assimilating good anywhere else. He believed a respectful study of other's religion was a sacred duty and it did not reduce reverence for one's own. He was looking out for those universal principles which transcended religion as a dogma. He expected religion to take account of practical life, he wanted it to appeal to reason and not be in conflict with morality. He believed it was his right and duty to point out the defects of his own religion, but to desist from doing so with other's faith. He refused to abuse a man for his fanatical deeds for he tried to see them from the other person's point of view. He believed Jesus expressed the will and spirit of God but could not accept Jesus as the only incarnate son of God. If Jesus was like God or God himself, then all men were like God or God Himself. But neither could he accept the Vedas as the inspired word of God, for if they were inspired why not also the Bible and the Koran? He believed all great religions were fundamentally equal and that there should be innate respect for them, not just mutual tolerance. He felt a person wanting to convert should try to be a good follower of his own faith rather than seek goodness in change of faith. His early impressions of Christianity were unfortunate which underwent a change when he discovered the New Testament and the Sermon on the Mount, whose ideal of renunciation appealed to him greatly. He thought Parliament of Religions or International Fellowship of Religions could be based only on equality of status, a common platform. An attitude of patronizing tolerance was false to the spirit of international fellowship. He believed that all religions were more or less true, but had errors because they came to us though imperfect human instrumentality. Religious symbols could not be made into a fetish to prove the superiority of one religion over another. In a multi-religious secular polity like that of India, Gandhi's ideas on religion and attitude toward other religions could serve as a secular blueprint to ponder over and implement.


I'm watching some specialist videos
Sam, Faith is not science. This is what Johan is saying. The fact that he believes (with no proof - i.e. has faith) that the world was created in 6 days and denies evolution means that he is not an appropriate person to be sitting on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Science is about testing theories and garnering facts. Faith is about belief without facts. The current scientific facts are that the world was not created in 6 days. Current scientific facts and observation show that evolution is happening.
People who deny facts in that disagree with their own faith are stupid. Why not look at that faith and see how it can fit with the facts?
Ghandi, as you show in your clipping above, had this same view - change your view with the observed facts.

Why look at the absolutes in the bible - this is not credible as it has been translated over thousands of years and many different versions can be found. Look at the creation story in the same way as Jesus told his parables.

These are not true stories, rather they are illustrations.
So rather than 6 days, look at it as 6 periods of time.
1) Nothing became something in a flash of light (The Big Bang)
2) The suns and planets were created as balls of matter
3) As the planet cools, so land appears and plants start to grow
4) The clouds that have been covering the maturing planet clear away so that the Sun, Moon and stars can be seen.
5) Fish and birds are next in the list (I would have thought that the flying things are more likely to be insect than birds at this point, but...)
6) Finally all other animals and man is created.

This actually pretty well follows the order of things as we know it through science, and does not preclude the idea of evolution if you assume that a day does not mean 24 hours as we know it, but an arbitrary period of time. After all, God himself is timeless, so why measure his time in the way that we do?


The guy is an idiot. The entire universe was not created by a human-lke being who has some sort of inordinate interest in a back-water planet in a relatively uninteresting galaxy. That's stupid.

How difficult is that to figure out?


Sam, Faith is not science. This is what Johan is saying. The fact that he believes (with no proof - i.e. has faith) that the world was created in 6 days and denies evolution means that he is not an appropriate person to be sitting on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology. Science is about testing theories and garnering facts. Faith is about belief without facts. The current scientific facts are that the world was not created in 6 days. Current scientific facts and observation show that evolution is happening.
People who deny facts in that disagree with their own faith are stupid. Why not look at that faith and see how it can fit with the facts?
Ghandi, as you show in your clipping above, had this same view - change your view with the observed facts.

Why look at the absolutes in the bible - this is not credible as it has been translated over thousands of years and many different versions can be found. Look at the creation story in the same way as Jesus told his parables.

These are not true stories, rather they are illustrations.
So rather than 6 days, look at it as 6 periods of time.
1) Nothing became something in a flash of light (The Big Bang)
2) The suns and planets were created as balls of matter
3) As the planet cools, so land appears and plants start to grow
4) The clouds that have been covering the maturing planet clear away so that the Sun, Moon and stars can be seen.
5) Fish and birds are next in the list (I would have thought that the flying things are more likely to be insect than birds at this point, but...)
6) Finally all other animals and man is created.

This actually pretty well follows the order of things as we know it through science, and does not preclude the idea of evolution if you assume that a day does not mean 24 hours as we know it, but an arbitrary period of time. After all, God himself is timeless, so why measure his time in the way that we do?

So, you're saying some sort of sentient "god like" being was responsible for this?
Are those two accounts the same guy?
ATHENS, Ga. — Georgia Rep. Paul Broun said in videotaped remarks that evolution, embryology and the Big Bang theory are “lies straight from the pit of hell” meant to convince people that they do not need a savior.

The Republican lawmaker
made those comments during a speech Sept. 27 at a sportsman’s banquet at Liberty Baptist Church in Hartwell. Broun, a medical doctor, is running for re-election in November unopposed by Democrats.
That's pretty scary