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Dec 10, 2009 6:46 PM

Jul 2008
It's end end finally, the enemies are like getting lesser now since almost everyone was gone except Aruka. But she's just no match for Arclight...this is what they get for reviving him i suppose :D I guess in the end there's never any doubts that Arclight is gonna lose anyway seeing that he's now on his own while Blade has friends to support him :)

It's good to see some humour in the midst of the battle, like the giant stuffed bear XD I was quite happy to see Aruka until he very end :D So overall, I actually think the series is pretty good :D
ShanaFlameDec 10, 2009 7:04 PM
Dec 10, 2009 7:38 PM

Jun 2009
epic show, im sooo gonna miss watching this every week, where do i get my epic feeling from every week now? ;_;

over the episode. i enjoyed this episode alot, VERY happy the pretty girl squad became good and kicked ass like they allways do :P, tbh everyone was pretty epic in helping out this episode, and also a bit of an intimate scene with Blade and Eve was nice to see.
arclight sure was strong at the start though O_o, in the end though the epic what is BladexEve was just too much for him XD.

yup overall loved this show, and also this ending was alot beter than i expected,
action, comedy and GAR, all in one episode, just what needless is all about.

i give this episode 5/5 for ending because its rare to get an ending what you feel content with and this one i did.
and for pure fun factor i cant help myself giving this show the good old 10/10, ive not enjoyed a show this much for a very long time and im gonna miss it greatly,

goodbye needless its been an amazing time but all good things come to an end ;_;
(here's hopeing "somehow" for at least an OVA for this seires :D)

EDIT: oh and i'll say it again, BEST series of the year by far XD
jericho2442Dec 10, 2009 7:42 PM
Dec 11, 2009 12:16 AM

Mar 2009
the thing with saten was like unreal dumb
but great to short the story compart to the manga
i hope that they show cuz prower in the ova or in the eng edistion of the manga soon
i am going to be the i the one with the biggest manga pocket collgection

Dec 11, 2009 4:02 AM

Apr 2008
Nice alternative ending. Overall I rate this series as 5/5 EASILY. Thanks for the ride Needless. I'll see you in the manga
Dec 11, 2009 4:42 AM
Oct 2009
Gido didn't die! them liars!
Dec 11, 2009 5:02 AM

Jun 2008
Darklight0303 said:
Nice alternative ending. Overall I rate this series as 5/5 EASILY. Thanks for the ride Needless. I'll see you in the manga
I haven't seen 24 yet, but was the alternate ending enough to change the series so a second season wouldn't be possible (or very difficult?) ala Claymore?
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?

Dec 11, 2009 5:12 AM

Apr 2009
Just watched the end of this
and i gotta admit i might miss it abit.

Pretty much action packed all the way through.
Whrer am i gonna get my dose of lols =(

Dec 11, 2009 7:43 AM

Apr 2008
sbyrstall said:
Darklight0303 said:
Nice alternative ending. Overall I rate this series as 5/5 EASILY. Thanks for the ride Needless. I'll see you in the manga
I haven't seen 24 yet, but was the alternate ending enough to change the series so a second season wouldn't be possible (or very difficult?) ala Claymore?

It would be difficult in my opinion
Dec 11, 2009 9:35 AM

Jan 2009
Well, even with Super Saiyan Naked Golden Arclight, Flying Teddy Bea- erh, whatever Mio says that plushie is, Nekkid fist fight, etc etc... The thing that made me laugh the most was...

I will miss this series. Hopefully the manga's scanlation will keep being periodical.
Dec 11, 2009 1:35 PM

Jul 2008
I have to admit that I started HATING this show when Saten become mad, all the "Yeah I'm mad but I can do everything (also hide my Zero to Blade, so he can only absorb my Wave) so it's ok".
And Arclight, omg Arclight, he's god, then he dies, then he revive thanks to Riru that transforms herself into a giga-energy-sphere together with him, then he- what?!
And also, in 3 episodes there's more useless and senseless action than in the whole anime.

This was even more horrible than Soul Eater's end, and that was REALLY bad; the best episode was Goldie Locks imo.

It's great that the manga is still publishing, so I can read the Needless that I like: the normal (and not on drugs) one.
TommasoDSDec 11, 2009 1:40 PM
Dec 11, 2009 6:20 PM

Oct 2007
jericho2442 said:
epic show, im sooo gonna miss watching this every week, where do i get my epic feeling from every week now? ;_;

over the episode. i enjoyed this episode alot, VERY happy the pretty girl squad became good and kicked ass like they allways do :P, tbh everyone was pretty epic in helping out this episode, and also a bit of an intimate scene with Blade and Eve was nice to see.
arclight sure was strong at the start though O_o, in the end though the epic what is BladexEve was just too much for him XD.

yup overall loved this show, and also this ending was alot beter than i expected,
action, comedy and GAR, all in one episode, just what needless is all about.

i give this episode 5/5 for ending because its rare to get an ending what you feel content with and this one i did.
and for pure fun factor i cant help myself giving this show the good old 10/10, ive not enjoyed a show this much for a very long time and im gonna miss it greatly,

goodbye needless its been an amazing time but all good things come to an end ;_;
(here's hopeing "somehow" for at least an OVA for this seires :D)

EDIT: oh and i'll say it again, BEST series of the year by far XD

This anime is epic, I hope someone subs the BDs.
Dec 12, 2009 1:22 AM

Apr 2008
TommasoDS said:

This was even more horrible than Soul Eater's end, and that was REALLY bad; the best episode was Goldie Locks imo.

You gotta be kidding me. Soul Eater had the most facepalming, corny, cliche, infuriating CRACK ending possible.
I saw it and I read the manga as well. I can safely say that ending was an insult.

Needless did not have that corny perseverance beats overwhelming odds. and the main boss did not get taken out BY A FREAKIN SINGLE PUNCH.

Comparing it to that trainwreck is too much
Dec 12, 2009 10:19 AM
Feb 2009
I skipped about 7 minutes of this ep because it just became so generic and terrible I felt like madhouse had just taken a huge god damn shit over the rest of the series. Needless (pun not intended) to say I took an entire point off my score just from the ending. Seriously one of the worst I can remember, and I've seen a fuck ton of shows.

As for Soul Eater, while I don't quite remember the ending itself, I do remember that the second to last episode was a whole lot better than the last one for it.
Dec 12, 2009 10:36 AM

May 2009
Funny how I didn't pick up the show until I found an article on SC about it. Probably would have missed out on it if I hadn't.

Anyway, epic ending to a show that has gradually grown on me more and more. The OP got me hooked on the very first episode, the show with its absurd action and extreme amount of fanservice did the rest.

It's gonna be hard to find a show as good as this one for some time, methinks.
Firelord76Dec 12, 2009 10:42 AM
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Dec 12, 2009 10:45 AM

Sep 2009
The ending wrapped everything up nicely, although it was a bit plain and expected. I was looking forward to there being a second season with trap Cruz and him developing his fragment but doesn't seem like they will be doing that.
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence...”
Dec 12, 2009 11:03 AM
Dec 2007
Nice open ending indeed and it has been quite the funny brainless entertainment through these 24 episodes. Loads of action and panty shots, loads of silly comedy and a lot of good characters, crazy animation and rythm, yes, Needless didn't dissapoint really.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 12, 2009 11:32 AM

Jan 2009
Good anime.Good ending.
I hope a second season will come ;).
"If people want to achieve time travel,they should just put Haruhi on a spaceship.She'd probably just ignore the theory of relativity." - Kyon
Dec 12, 2009 11:33 AM

Dec 2006
I'll miss the first ending...

Dec 12, 2009 11:33 AM

Aug 2008
Thus ends the greatest show ever made..

The ending was "slightly" abrupt but i had a good laugh at the rocketpowered giant bear rabbit catapult and the ultra cheezy ending shot

10/10 and #1 of course
Dec 12, 2009 11:41 AM

Nov 2008
Holy crap, I can't believe the score this show has. I'm not saying the show was crap I actually enjoyed it a lot but I thought there were going to be a lot more haters or average scores put on this show to leave it around the 7.20 it had. 7.85 Is something else.

Anyway, I enjoyed it most of the way through even though we all know this Isn't a masterpiece.

Dec 12, 2009 12:57 PM

Jun 2009
The end was a bit ridiculous but all in all it was a pretty good show, Ill give it 8/10...maybe 9/10 if i change my mind.
Its a shame there won't be a second season but now I'll still have the manga to read!
Dec 12, 2009 12:58 PM
Apr 2008
Darklight0303 said:
TommasoDS said:

This was even more horrible than Soul Eater's end, and that was REALLY bad; the best episode was Goldie Locks imo.

You gotta be kidding me. Soul Eater had the most facepalming, corny, cliche, infuriating CRACK ending possible.
I saw it and I read the manga as well. I can safely say that ending was an insult.

Needless did not have that corny perseverance beats overwhelming odds. and the main boss did not get taken out BY A FREAKIN SINGLE PUNCH.

Comparing it to that trainwreck is too much

I agree, Needless' ending wasn't as horrible as Soul Eater's. -_- Seeing as Soul Eater is also done by Bones, I could hope they will reanimate it the same way they did with Full Metal Alchemist with FMA: Brotherhood and follow the manga.

But yes, I enjoyed watching Needless thoroughly. I thought this final episode was decent. Action packed, with a little humor, Pretty Girl Squad <333 ^_^
Dec 12, 2009 2:06 PM

Oct 2007
Pretty Girl Squad <3 4 Ever :D I would love to see their "saloon" *gg*
I loved this show, Action in masses, Bishoujo Butai!!! :D, And Comedy to laugh your self to death XD
Dec 12, 2009 2:10 PM

Aug 2009
The ending is quite good. I love it.
Dec 12, 2009 2:14 PM

Sep 2007
Loved the ending like the other episodes !
Dec 12, 2009 2:43 PM

May 2008
The ending was good.
Dec 12, 2009 3:18 PM

Mar 2009
I love how he runs around wearing a cape now xD

Does it give him self-confidence?!!?!?
Dec 12, 2009 3:36 PM

Dec 2007
ShanaFlame said:

It's good to see some humour in the midst of the battle, like the giant stuffed bear XD

It's a fucking rabbit! xD

Crazy humor and cool fights and some innovative panty shots xD.
But these last episode were not so good most part because saten died within one episode and had such a good build up and the other thing was the cheesy ending.
I enjoyed most part of the anime so my score:
Dec 12, 2009 4:14 PM

Aug 2008
I wish his sister would've died, no matter what her reasons what she did was jacked. No way she can redeem her self with just those words at the end to Cruz. I might've forgiven her if she had just died. She should have.

Besides that, AWESOME EPISODE! I think they cut the final battle scene a TAD Short though. But w/e. I enjoyed it.

And....HAPPY ENDING! XD Everyone lives together happily *Even the Pretty Girl Squad members!* = ubber happiness.

The some-what romantic feeling they put in at the end of the battle as Eve & Blade charged Arclight was a nice touch. Everyone also got to show off at the end too. :)

7/10 from me + 1, they always manage to get some nice panty shots in = 8/10.

But I'm sad weekly dose of Epic & Loli's are over :(.

Jacut said:
Nice open ending indeed and it has been quite the funny brainless entertainment through these 24 episodes. Loads of action and panty shots, loads of silly comedy and a lot of good characters, crazy animation and rythm, yes, Needless didn't dissapoint really.

Exactly. It's not the most well-thought out show. Or "deep" as some others are. Or very intellectual, some what predictable, yata yata. always entertains, thus is why I like it so much :).

Fair well Needless, you gave me an epic doze every week. Maybe I'll read the manga.
Dec 12, 2009 4:23 PM

Nov 2007
This show had its lulz from time to time. 6/10

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Dec 12, 2009 4:37 PM

Jul 2008
Every good thing has it's end... or they say.

8/10 from me, great show.
Dec 12, 2009 5:03 PM

Dec 2007
what a fucked up ending ^^ fortunately I had a lot of smiles on my face thanks to this anime :P
Dec 12, 2009 5:21 PM

Feb 2009

Dec 12, 2009 5:29 PM

Apr 2008
pretty good ending =D didnt expect they would end greatly xD

normally this kind of show will give a crap ending ^^

enjoyed it~

Dec 12, 2009 6:57 PM

Aug 2009
Enjoyed that as much as rest of anime,that mean 5/5 for me.Still cant forgive them for not showing trap Yamada:P
Dec 12, 2009 7:20 PM

Sep 2008
sigh... episode 22 is epic, but the last 2 episode is crap like the other MADHOUSE adaptation show "CRAPMORE"

Dec 12, 2009 8:56 PM

Jun 2007
I had fun watching this and there was a nice BladexEve moment so I won't insult it lol

xD usually I'm a harsh anime judge but Needless was on crack and it made me laugh more than a few times so I'll just let it slide.

(still gets a bad score though ^^;)

Dec 12, 2009 9:24 PM
Jun 2008
hh nice series the ending kinda boring at part but overall im not disappointed
Dec 12, 2009 9:47 PM

Jan 2009
Haha a very nonsensical ending lol... Haha surprisingly I liked it lol... Haha... though I'm kind of angry that I was correct that cruzes power was super thinking... I guess he's smarter than the super computer needless with his unorthodox way of solving problems... I was hoping he had some awesome amazing power... but I guess that would be too expected right? While someone tries to punch you in the face... you over analyze his ability and think he will try to throw a feint and punch you from below doing more damage... so you ignore the so called feint and you get socked in the face... I wished there was more reconcilement w/ the sister and a more blade centered ending. Eve and blade holding hands for just a couple of seconds was pretty nice. Everything ended all neat and pretty... all the ex-enemies/killers have integrated into society... lol the Blade (kamina) dream that cruz had that was supposed... to be epic and inspiring... I started watching this cause I kept on seeing Eve's pic at ayako's site for the last couple of months and liked how she was drawn... It had it's interesting moments... if there was a season 2 I'd watch it... Character art was pretty good :D it was kind of funny sometimes... I want to see more good guy converted sister development...
Dec 12, 2009 10:56 PM
Feb 2009
drkshadow06 said:
Darklight0303 said:
TommasoDS said:

This was even more horrible than Soul Eater's end, and that was REALLY bad; the best episode was Goldie Locks imo.

You gotta be kidding me. Soul Eater had the most facepalming, corny, cliche, infuriating CRACK ending possible.
I saw it and I read the manga as well. I can safely say that ending was an insult.

Needless did not have that corny perseverance beats overwhelming odds. and the main boss did not get taken out BY A FREAKIN SINGLE PUNCH.

Comparing it to that trainwreck is too much

I agree, Needless' ending wasn't as horrible as Soul Eater's. -_- Seeing as Soul Eater is also done by Bones, I could hope they will reanimate it the same way they did with Full Metal Alchemist with FMA: Brotherhood and follow the manga.

But yes, I enjoyed watching Needless thoroughly. I thought this final episode was decent. Action packed, with a little humor, Pretty Girl Squad <333 ^_^
yeah, soul eater has one of the most mess up ending, consider how good the first half of the series was; while in needless... we werent expecting anything logic comes from it anyway lol

overall i gave it 8/10
oblivious is a bliss
Dec 12, 2009 11:27 PM

Apr 2008
flame_tiong said:
drkshadow06 said:
Darklight0303 said:
TommasoDS said:

This was even more horrible than Soul Eater's end, and that was REALLY bad; the best episode was Goldie Locks imo.

You gotta be kidding me. Soul Eater had the most facepalming, corny, cliche, infuriating CRACK ending possible.
I saw it and I read the manga as well. I can safely say that ending was an insult.

Needless did not have that corny perseverance beats overwhelming odds. and the main boss did not get taken out BY A FREAKIN SINGLE PUNCH.

Comparing it to that trainwreck is too much

I agree, Needless' ending wasn't as horrible as Soul Eater's. -_- Seeing as Soul Eater is also done by Bones, I could hope they will reanimate it the same way they did with Full Metal Alchemist with FMA: Brotherhood and follow the manga.

But yes, I enjoyed watching Needless thoroughly. I thought this final episode was decent. Action packed, with a little humor, Pretty Girl Squad <333 ^_^
yeah, soul eater has one of the most mess up ending, consider how good the first half of the series was; while in needless... we werent expecting anything logic comes from it anyway lol

overall i gave it 8/10

The first half still followed the Manga so there's your explanation
Dec 13, 2009 3:07 AM

Apr 2007
Vizard said:
This show had its lulz from time to time. 6/10
Dec 13, 2009 3:37 AM

Jun 2009
Do you know anything about second season?
....::Hans 92::....
Dec 13, 2009 3:39 AM

Jun 2009
Here goes another great show (not to mention one of my favorites).
Haven't seen the last episode yet but by judging the posts, it seems like Arclight dies and all the bad guys turn good -.-
Probably won't be happening, but is there any chance for another season? or maybe some OVA's?
Even though the anime did have an alternate ending, is there's still a chance?
like they did with Tsubasa Chronicle - where they changed the ending and then released OVA's showing what really happened (ignoring the continuation)...

Oh well... hoping for good...
Dec 13, 2009 5:35 AM

Nov 2008
Good episode, kinda fast end for the story tho.

But it had nice scenes again xD

Tosi yst&auml;vyys ei j&auml;&auml;dy pakkasella! Thank you for your visit. Welcome again!
Dec 13, 2009 5:50 AM

Nov 2008
This show was good fun to watch for the most part. There were a few boring episodes here and there, but most of them were quite entertaining.

As for the ending, considering the entire anime was a a parody of generic shounen and the fact it is an anime-original ending, it was probably the most fitting ending for this anime. It could have done with more humour in it to make it seem more ridiculous, though.

Needless is a 7/10 show for me, but I may move it down to a 6 at a later date. Overall, it's a good watch if you want something mindless and entertaining, but if you want something deeper, then don't bother with this.
Current FAL Ranking + Previous best::
Dec 13, 2009 7:48 AM

Oct 2007
If you think this ending was bad then I don't know what the f*ck were you watching the whole time.

Anyway, anybody know what wrong with this pic? :D

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Dec 13, 2009 7:59 AM

Feb 2009
This ep was great in its cheesy-ness. When everybody grouped together I hoped that they would end it with the baddest combo attack ever, which they unfortunately didn't. But it was still sweet seeing everyone working together. And holy shit the last image was friggin awesomely cheesy XD

This show has been completely awesome from the epic beginning to the cheesy end. 10/10 - Easily one of the best shows this year, if not THE best. It will be dearly missed not to have this awesomeness to watch every week, and I will probably suffer from withdrawal for a few weeks.
Pantyshots are a different matter entirely

Dec 13, 2009 8:07 AM

Aug 2008
Siva said:
Anyway, anybody know what wrong with this pic? :D
Solva is wearing shorts under the dress?
Dec 13, 2009 8:46 AM

Oct 2007
LOL, maybe?

But I would say take a good look at Disk. What is she doing?

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
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