Meatbodies - Full Performance (Live on KEXP)

  • Опубликовано: 30 мар 2025
  • KEXP.ORG presents Meatbodies performing live in the KEXP studio. Recorded July 14, 2022.
    Reach For The Sunn
    Night Time Hidden Faces
    Let Go (333)
    Chad Ubovich - Guitar / Vocals
    Casey Hansen - Guitar / Vocals
    Noah Guevara - Bass
    Dylan Fujioka - Drums / Vocals
    Host: Eva Walker
    Audio Engineer: Julian Martlew
    Mastering: Matt Ogaz
    Cameras: Jim Beckmann, Carlos Cruz & Scott Holpainen
    Editor: Jim Beckmann
    / meatbodiesofficialauth...

Комментарии • 72

  • @salamanderslacks6927
    @salamanderslacks6927 2 года назад +73

    Their bass player once handed me a whole ass deli sandwich walking off stage after they completely melted my mind 🩻 I love Meatbodies!!

    • @brotherk7883
      @brotherk7883 2 года назад +1

      Considering their name, did you ask what was in it?

    • @foocax4178
      @foocax4178 Год назад +2


    • @adambobowicz4835
      @adambobowicz4835 Год назад

      After their performance I told him I love his style and he wanted to give me his shoe 👞

    • @seanstone8845
      @seanstone8845 Год назад

      sounds like Noah, if you say nice things about his Sandals he'll remember you forever

  • @hellangels_23
    @hellangels_23 2 года назад +24

    It’s the fact that they always sound 10 times fucking better live! They deserve so much fame, I’m completely gutted that they’re not getting noticed yet.

    • @marccrowell9598
      @marccrowell9598 Год назад +3

      Shhh I still want to be able to see them in small venues. JK new album goes off

  • @dale8809
    @dale8809 5 месяцев назад +2

    Well this is a nice freaking find. Can't wait to see them with Slift in Detroit!

  • @kuma0736
    @kuma0736 2 года назад +24

    Fantastic to see that Dylan Fujioka joined them ! Former drummer from Chelsea Wolfe where he did a great work !

  • @Benderino1
    @Benderino1 2 года назад +27

    KEXP always the best place to find new amazing music 😎

    • @mikegalligan7832
      @mikegalligan7832 2 года назад +2

      100!!!!!!! Shoutout to leg Cheryl Waters :)

  • @remrem3000
    @remrem3000 2 года назад +8

    They are like good wine, just getting better with age.

  • @robertpatton6767
    @robertpatton6767 Год назад +5

    Wow this is the healthiest I’ve seen Chad look. Glad to see it 🤘

  • @seanstone8845
    @seanstone8845 Год назад +3

    I'm fucking loving this lineup, watching Dylan play is such a treat

  • @David-fs1qz
    @David-fs1qz 2 года назад +15

    This band has a really nice sound, each album is differnt in a unique and interesting way and i love it.
    Though their new album took some time to melt into my liking im really glad i gave it patience, it's great!

  • @danielcarter3928
    @danielcarter3928 2 года назад +6

    that transition into Let Go (333) was epic

  • @Scrampbelld3
    @Scrampbelld3 2 года назад +6

    53:00 reach for the sun
    5:38 cancer
    9:20 night time hidden faces

  • @Blackbelt_97
    @Blackbelt_97 10 месяцев назад

    Dude I’ve seen them live twice got the chance to hangout with them in Austin Tx they are unbelievably incredible live their sound is so perfect every piece works in harmony from the drums to the vocals to the bass and guitar I mean it was absolutely amazing.. they’re all so talented I hope they make music into their 80’s lol

  • @nofii
    @nofii 7 месяцев назад

    Just saw them at Route du Rock Saint-Malo yesterday, best set of the night!

  • @foocax4178
    @foocax4178 Год назад +2

    These guys are so cool they kinda sound like early ty segall

  • @yologogo5441
    @yologogo5441 3 месяца назад

    Damn, Eva Walker is always so excited, that's insane haha.

  • @aidanbabinski
    @aidanbabinski 2 года назад +5

    alice was one of the greatest albums ever recorded

  • @ferminmoreno5449
    @ferminmoreno5449 2 года назад +3

    Great Band!, congrats Meatbodies.

  • @chrislockecomedy
    @chrislockecomedy 2 года назад +6

    The latest Meatbodies album is for being nice and stoned. They rule

  • @grantcarey464
    @grantcarey464 2 года назад +1

    Sack Whippers of the highest order! LOVE Meatbodies!!!

  • @richardjebaby
    @richardjebaby 2 года назад +2

    @kexp Julian is on fire with this mix again!

  • @wolfganggarrigan5716
    @wolfganggarrigan5716 2 года назад +4

    this shit roars... awesome feature KEXP!

  • @BlumpMusic
    @BlumpMusic 2 года назад +3

    Love the new album!

  • @vwjordan89
    @vwjordan89 2 года назад +3

    Thank you!!🤘❤️

  • @xtenthfloorx
    @xtenthfloorx Год назад

    Cant wait to meet them one day

  • @danielcarter3928
    @danielcarter3928 2 года назад

    stoked for this! meatbodies rule, wish they would come to Austin

  • @Updog89
    @Updog89 2 года назад +19

    I feel like their lineup changes drastically every time they visit KEXP.

    • @DersDividedSky
      @DersDividedSky 2 года назад +10

      This is a good lineup for them! Dylan on drums absolutely rips and Casey on lead guitar is a great addition. If you know the band Wand at all Casey is actually the brother of their lead singer Cory!

    • @Updog89
      @Updog89 2 года назад +3

      @@DersDividedSky That LA scene is tight! Any word on what Patrick Nolan is up to?

    • @DersDividedSky
      @DersDividedSky 2 года назад

      @@Updog89 It really is! I have yet to hear that name so I will check him out. I suppose he played with Meatbodies at some point but don't know all their lineups.

    • @joshuawalton6267
      @joshuawalton6267 2 года назад

      @@Updog89 he started a band called Perfection

    • @nickbarthram1112
      @nickbarthram1112 2 года назад +2

      @@Updog89 I think he's a guitarist in Together Pangea sometimes but mostly for tours

  • @GreenwayRecords
    @GreenwayRecords 2 года назад +2


  • @bogdanmirzakabilov
    @bogdanmirzakabilov 2 года назад

    9:12 Night Time Hidden Faces

  • @pascal6607
    @pascal6607 2 года назад

    Merci .)

  • @Charlicharloo
    @Charlicharloo Год назад

    Soon at Binic Blues Folk Festival 🤩

  • @erikroos3690
    @erikroos3690 2 года назад

    Come to sweden! Please

  • @EBC154
    @EBC154 2 года назад +4

    i really think KEXP should get spiritualized on here

  • @orcaflotta7867
    @orcaflotta7867 2 года назад +8

    Smashing Pumpkins meet Engilsh shoegazer postpunk. What's not to like?

  • @christoft4324
    @christoft4324 Год назад

    Seeing these guys in about 4 hours - came here to research 😅

  • @linusr.5153
    @linusr.5153 2 года назад

    great host

  • @xtenthfloorx
    @xtenthfloorx Год назад

    Loven the short hair, so sick

  • @DuffyP
    @DuffyP Год назад +1

    That first one sounds like "Finger" Ty Segall

    • @DuffyP
      @DuffyP Год назад +1

      Oh Chad and Ty are both in Fuzz lol. That might explain it.

  • @dstroh22
    @dstroh22 2 года назад

    oh Eva.. so goofy and weird in the GREATEST way possible.. nothin but love ❤

  • @phillipdavidson3551
    @phillipdavidson3551 2 года назад +1

    I miss the 10's

  • @braydenbyrnes103
    @braydenbyrnes103 2 года назад +4

    They misspelled Sunn.

  • @dgoodmiami21
    @dgoodmiami21 2 года назад +3

    Some people talking about their old shows but I think they ripped for this. Heavy Ty Segall and Fuzz vibes but aren’t all these guys sort of associated with each other?

    • @Killbot754
      @Killbot754 Год назад +5

      Dude literally plays bass in Fuzz.

  • @DersDividedSky
    @DersDividedSky 2 года назад +3

    Ah, good ol' Chad and his bodies of meat 🍖

  • @badcoverboy
    @badcoverboy 2 года назад

    Let’s whip those sacks!!!

  • @leandwaves
    @leandwaves 2 года назад


  • @Kapila
    @Kapila 2 года назад +4


  • @foxschanzman
    @foxschanzman 2 года назад +5

    I really like this band and all of their albums. Had the great pleasure of seeing them open for psychedelic porn crumpets and I hope to see them again. All that being said, their previous KEXP shows where much better. Especially the show when the album Alice came out.

    • @braydenbyrnes103
      @braydenbyrnes103 2 года назад

      You have to keep into consideration that in their live setup they have to create different live versions of songs like let go (333) and nighttime hidden faces

    • @foxschanzman
      @foxschanzman 2 года назад +2

      @@braydenbyrnes103 yea. I mean it was tight and I enjoyed it, and I loved the album. The other KEXP sessions where just something else though. Not trying to be a downer super glad this came out. Those who enjoy it should go check out the last 2.

  • @Geordievinylrecords
    @Geordievinylrecords 2 года назад +2

    Love the band but oh my the vox is too far back in the mix !!!

  • @dawidwieczorek7425
    @dawidwieczorek7425 2 года назад

    Nothing groundbreaking But still cool overall music band

    • @foxschanzman
      @foxschanzman 2 года назад +4

      You should check out their older shows, better imo

    • @dawidwieczorek7425
      @dawidwieczorek7425 2 года назад +1

      @@foxschanzman thank you, i know them before