Let's see...for years, I've heard, the Republicans ran everything, and were responsible for every problem the US had...where were the smarter Democrats? What does it say that the dumb people were smarter than you?
If the Democrats are now the smart ones, how do you explain the big change from the now famous video of the lady who can't believe Obama is gonna pay her gas, rent, and bills?
She's the face of the Democratic Party, right?
So far, "Change we can believe in" is "Obama Democrats will believe anything as long as they get to yell a lot"...lobbiests and tax cheats fill the Gov't of Obama, the prediction of inexperienced and not ready to run the US is daily and painfully becoming a reality.
Insult America's biggest ally, anyone? Made a fool of yourself in the International Press...the whole box of DVDs (DVDs?!?!?!?!) you gave the English PM don't play on Brit equipment, but the heavy with historical significance pen holder (Google HMS Gannett, sister ship to the HMS Resolute) he gave you will work just fine.
The Chinese, the N Koreans, and the Iranians are putting some shit on us as we speak, and what is the biggest confrontation the Admin is engaged in?
Rush Limbaugh, a radio talk show host. The country is hurting bigtime, the unemployment rate is rising to Godawful levels, but we can sleep at night secure in the knowledge that Rush Limbaugh has been dealt with (I guess...his audience share is through the roof).
And even though every indication is that the Democrats were sold a bill of goods, (but the brain hasn't recieved the message yet), someone still thinks
Republicans are the stereotypical ignorant hicks.
Only the silliest and most ignorant hard Left O-Zombie bigot can unashamedly insult millions of hardworking American families so glibly.