Just watched "Right America: Feeling Wronged"...

I am SO glad you guys voted Obama....and I'm Canadian.

I don't know much about Obama's politics, nor John McCain's, but just by seeing how all those McCain supporters act it seems you guys made the right choice.

These people are so ignorant it's scary. It seems like they're all brainwashed.
haha this was a funny post I found

"18. You Americans are a greedy and gluttonous bunch. No respect for your fellow countrymen, much less any other country in the world. All about the big dollar, eh? You are a laughing stock to the rest of the world. You have a choice of 2 idiots to run your country, the people you picked and all you do is call them and each other names. It seems very few of you have the ability to debate like grown up people. You all are nitwits and are going down very fast. Foolish at business and bring the world down with you. We look at you with such disdain. Good luck down there in the gutter.

Posted at 8:39AM on Oct 9th 2008 by Canadian and proud"

I feel the same way. (less harsh tho)
notice the part where he says, "Foolish at business and bring the world down with you."

If that guy or wherever he is from is so smart, then why haven't they solved the worlds economic problems? If the US is so dumb and destined to fail, then how big of an idiot do you have to be to have your economy dependent on it and invested in it? that doesn't sound very smart to me.

unless the guy is really from a communist country, and I don't mean England or Canada.
We Canadians have more choices but the only two parties with a chance of winning are run by the old establishment and prone to fucking the people over like any good "democracy" has always done.

We are guilty of being in bed with America and Canadians who think we're different are just plain ignorant. We just don't do the war thing and spend sickening amounts of money on "security" ie: ensuring profits. The Americans do all the nasty work overseas and we enjoy the fruits of their economy, all while acting like a righteous best friend. Assholes in each of our countries are one in the same - assholes.
I am SO glad you guys voted Obama....and I'm Canadian.

I don't know much about Obama's politics, nor John McCain's, but just by seeing how all those McCain supporters act it seems you guys made the right choice.

These people are so ignorant it's scary. It seems like they're all brainwashed.

Ever hear of unbiased reporting? HBO is hardly unbiased, and people who get their news from the Home Box Office, are hardly people to learn anything from. :sleep: You don't suppose they went out of their way to get the looniest bunch of quacks; nah, couldn't be....:thefinger


Let's see...for years, I've heard, the Republicans ran everything, and were responsible for every problem the US had...where were the smarter Democrats? What does it say that the dumb people were smarter than you?
If the Democrats are now the smart ones, how do you explain the big change from the now famous video of the lady who can't believe Obama is gonna pay her gas, rent, and bills?


She's the face of the Democratic Party, right?
So far, "Change we can believe in" is "Obama Democrats will believe anything as long as they get to yell a lot"...lobbiests and tax cheats fill the Gov't of Obama, the prediction of inexperienced and not ready to run the US is daily and painfully becoming a reality.
Insult America's biggest ally, anyone? Made a fool of yourself in the International Press...the whole box of DVDs (DVDs?!?!?!?!) you gave the English PM don't play on Brit equipment, but the heavy with historical significance pen holder (Google HMS Gannett, sister ship to the HMS Resolute) he gave you will work just fine.
The Chinese, the N Koreans, and the Iranians are putting some shit on us as we speak, and what is the biggest confrontation the Admin is engaged in?
Rush Limbaugh, a radio talk show host. The country is hurting bigtime, the unemployment rate is rising to Godawful levels, but we can sleep at night secure in the knowledge that Rush Limbaugh has been dealt with (I guess...his audience share is through the roof).
And even though every indication is that the Democrats were sold a bill of goods, (but the brain hasn't recieved the message yet), someone still thinks Republicans are the stereotypical ignorant hicks.
Only the silliest and most ignorant hard Left O-Zombie bigot can unashamedly insult millions of hardworking American families so glibly.

Will E Worm

The people behind this documentary were liberals.

She interviewed two black guys.

The one wearing a Confederate hat was correct.
She went to Mississippi to film a white man saying the "N" word to paint the "red" states as bad.

I guess Ms. Liberal thought all blacks would be on her side.
Think again. :hatsoff:

Definitely. Like the ones who think god literally intervened and had Obama elected. Very scary.

Obama elected by God?

I didn't hear that. But, they are delusional. ;)
Well the fact is that she didn't force any of those people to say anything. She went to the south to see what people thought, and they let her know.

It seems like you would be alienated from everyone else if you were to support Obama in places like that. It's like adult peer-pressure to vote McCain.

But that's just speculation...
I vote Republican and I voted for McCain.

Got a problem with that? :thefinger

The man of the household didn't vote at all, but if he did, it was going to be for Obama.


Well the fact is that she didn't force any of those people to say anything. She went to the south to see what people thought, and they let her know.

It seems like you would be alienated from everyone else if you were to support Obama in places like that. It's like adult peer-pressure to vote McCain.

But that's just speculation...

It's like you don't live in the USA...
Before the election, I went to many houses with McCain signs in their front yards...and some houses had Obama signs on the same street.
There weren't any wars going on, and no one had their signs burned, or defaced...they were just signs.
Who found themselves intimidated were any McCain supporters in, say, San Francisco or Chicago...but I'm sure there were plenty of both party's signs there even so.
It's the normal American election thing...we don't arrest opposition leaders, or kill opposing party members...as I said, it's like you don't live in the USA.