The Midnight - Sunset (Official Audio)
- Опубликовано: 30 мар 2025
- BUY:
Who ever is listening to this song right now. Your music taste is great
80s music rules!!!!😅😅😅
They closed out their gig in Newcastle with this bop on Thursday 🤟
❤ (🇵🇹)
This band makes me feel nostalgic about an era I haven't even lived.
It was cool... Had a great time in the 70s and 80s...
Perfectly phrased! With you 100% there! I was born in 86, but I'm loving the vibes!
Exactly 💯
That is the point of The Midnight. “Wistful nostalgia” 🙌🏻 they do it very very well for those of us not old enough to have lived through the 80s.
Me too and I fuckin love the feeling
My mom used to call the 80s sound a "far away" sound. I feel it. I lived it too and she was right. 80s vibe is like double nostalgia. The best drug.
*_John 10.9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly._*
_Jesus Christ loves you. Only Jesus Christ saves. Repent and be saved. God bless you, and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all._
Music in the 80s(well some of it) was nostalgic, DURING the 80s. So it’s nostalgia within nostalgia and double nostalgia is an accurate description.
Ferris Bueller and Sixteen Candles had the best soundtracks
@Wayne Shields I prefer goonies,iron eagle,bloodsport, bttf. Those soundstracks are okay,but,there's much better ones
Despite all the miseries of modern life, I am glad that we live in an age where we have music like this to soothe our souls.
now that's a different way of looking at things
@@mukta4689 ++
Perfect comment.
This is a perfect song to drive all night and just watch the lights pass by
Sounds cool
Nope, sunset, windows open, wind blowing through ur windows, full volume with a passenger.
@@static3962 that’s what he likes tho
It's just the ultimate for a road trip any time of day or night, complete perfection ❤️
Indeed!!! That is a feeling that is hard to describe… but some of us were lucky to experience it in the 80s… in cars from that era!
I've probably heard this 500 times now 😁
Same here. Never gets old!
It's just soo good...
Only 500? ;)
best ever my friend!!!
400 only :(
I'm 47 and I found this band about 5 yrs ago. I've been hooked ever since! This song 🎵 is basically all of my childhood wrapped up in one big present 🎉. Man I miss the 80s. ❤best times ever !
Hai perfettamente ragione...😢che nostalgia ❤
1977 kid here. It's amazing how well they distilled the sounds of our times into this pure crystal
The Midnight should totally open a pub/lounge on Miami Beach and just have the sign of the pub be exactly their logo, and the pub playing all their songs on a loop and serving cocktails glistening in the sun setting in the distance.
Both the pub would be a hit and amazing publicity for the band itself (for the few pour souls who have yet to discover them!)
Any investors around ? I'll propose the idea to The Midnight :p
Great idea Im giving you my last 5 bucks lol
I'm down brother❤️❤️❤️after quarantine we will
Im so going for this
this music bring so much happiness and nostalgia
i'm in ✋
I’d buy a timeshare...
Listening to Midnight is like getting rid of a longing I didn't even knew I had. I love you guys!
omg i feel that too!!!
Yes, that's how it feels...
Hell Yeah :) :)
Alitzel Xiadani Hernandez Hdez. You know know
Loving you back from the future, Daniel.
I was born in 1975, lived through the end of the disco era and grew up during the 80s. That was a beautiful decade through music, television, fashion was hit or miss, but colorful, big hair, lol. It was a decade with not too much to worry about. Everything was carefree, nothing like the mess we're living through now.
Sounds like a more innocent time
@@PatTheTrickyPrince It was, the only dark part about the decade was when AIDS first hit.
As crazy as I am for 80s nostalgia (I lived it), lots of stuff was going sideways: AIDS, crack cocaine, mass homelessness, trickle-down economics...
It wasn't a good time for a lot of people.
Agree, miss those days so very much
The greatest time of all.
I arrived on this planet what felt like yesterday. My childhood was filled with amazement and questions. It was good but I missed my dad so much, I had great experiences as a kid but always waited for those few days when I’d see my dad. When i did, they were the best times.
Gran made my favourite pasta and I’d sometimes get caught playing with oupa’s pipe. She recorded cartoons on a video tape and I’d watch them when I slept over. They were married for more than 60 years, I thought I’d grow up like them.
In my teen years I lived with passion and excitement. I had dreams and a belief in myself. No one could stop me and I always knew one day I’d have a family. The future was full of possibilities and I imagined the experiences I was going to have. My dad lived far so he wasn’t around much, but when I saw him I knew he was proud.
High school was great, I made friends and we looked out for each other. We promised to stay in touch but it doesn’t always work out. We left and went our separate ways wishing each other the best. Some made it and some didn’t.
I turned 20 and I fell in love. I made my first memories. What it must feel like to become a man, making love and meeting the woman of my dreams. She’d have my children one day and we planned a future together. We dreamed and talked for hours about what it could be like.
For a little while we had something and in the moments I knew this was it. It was actually happening. Life was never the same after she left at 22. I felt my first heart break. She was not the one.
Today I look onwards to purpose, don’t give up on what you are born for. Fight for it because something of high worth never comes easy. Don’t die with dreams, die with memories of living those dreams.
Thank you, Nicholas.
Beautifully written! I deeply feel every word you wrote & relate soooo much . Thank you!!! May you (continue to) be blessed beyond what you could have ever imagined and, a long time from now, die a very happy person!!
very inspiring story, ill take your advice, don’t give up your dreams either man, best of luck
This is a fucking brilliant post
I grew up in a dysfunctional family. Thankgod for my brother who made me laugh til I peed, and my nan who made up for the love my parents didnt know how to give.
Faked our deaths
Lit a match
Closed the door
Waited for the flash
Greyhound Station
we paid in cash
Miss Lazarus, we're coming back
They say it's darkest before the dawn
We've been in this town for far too long
They say it's darkest before the dawn
We're moving on
No regrets
First chance last dance
Stuck in the middle
Even bad girls know good love
You taste so sweet it hurts a little
Make our home
Where we stand
One suitcase
And half a plan
Follow the wolves
And sing along
Past the voices
To the Song
Wow, Dorami avatar
Thank you Dorami
Just like Lazarus, you know there's an operator
isn't the Middle Medley?
I had to dig deep in the comments for the lyrics:
Faked our deaths
Lit a match
Closed the door
Waited for the flash
Greyhound Station
we paid in cash
Miss Lazarus, we're coming back
They say it's darkest before the dawn
We've been in this town for far too long
They say it's darkest before the dawn
We're moving on
No regrets
First chance last dance
Stuck in the middle
Even bad girls know good love
You taste so sweet it hurts a little
Make our home
Where we stand
One suitcase
And half a plan
Follow the wolves
And sing along
Past the voices
To the Song
Thank god I grew up in the 80s listening to this kind of music. Thank you lads for bringing this kind of 80vibe back
All of the midnight songs make me feel very happy and joyful and excited inside. It has a very good vibe to it.
My boyfriend now my husband introduced me to this kind of music and this band. Damn I love him more for this. ❤❤❤❤
The best The Midnight Song I've yet heard.
I don’t see how they could do better
This definitely is a great song. Los Angeles is also really good.
I dedicate this song to my dear cat, I listened to this song multiple times with him.. On 2 July 2021 my beloved Gigi, a black cat died aged 4 years and 1 month due to the Felv disease. I was with him untill the last moment, I knew it was coming, but it's still unbelievably hard.. I'm destroyed.. May you now run in the celestial fields catching cats there with my guidance, you'll never be alone, I'll always be with you. I'll never forget the trust you gave me, the morning togheter jumping over the windows with your brother in search of treats and cuddles, your jumps over my desk for a head bumb and a scratch on the tummy... I love you Gigi. Rip.
He's in synthwave cat heaven now. A much better place.
I was born in early 80s and definately grew up listening to 80s songs. The Midnight brings that nostalgic feeling to me whenever I listen to them. Sunset is one of my favorite songs and I play it on a daily basis until it too became on of my daughter's fav tune (she is 9). We get to enjoy The Midnight together now. 😍
I grew up in the 90s. My older sister grew up in the 80s. She heard this song and is now a retrowave official member. :)
Love the guitar solo! I remember playing this in the car while on the open highway. Couldn't be more perfect
Apr 16, 2018
80s is really a great time. I love the vibes and memories.
*_John 10.9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly._*
_Jesus Christ loves you. Only Jesus Christ saves. Repent and be saved. God bless you, and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all._
I am sad I never got to experience it. The Midnight seems to take me to another universe, one where everything is better, I guess your generation calls that the 80s :)
@@williammunny9916 Sounds gay
A nice summer song for 2023 ❤
2024 ❤
This song makes me feel alive !!
👋 keep at it. I'm with ya. Not literally.
Neighbour above my apartment is drilling something. It is so loud and annoying.
*_John 10.9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly._*
_Jesus Christ loves you. Only Jesus Christ saves. Repent and be saved. God bless you, and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all._
Music has a certain power to help you in good times and bad in ways that nothing else can.
Man if this song isn’t the perfect escapist fever dream...a listen to this song was much needed after such an awful year.
ditto bud
Keep your head up It gets better, life wouldn’t be life without the lowest lows but you’re bound to come up for a breath of fresh air.
I hope you’re doing alright.
*_John 10.9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly._*
_Jesus Christ loves you. Only Jesus Christ saves. Repent and be saved. God bless you, and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all._
Born in 77 holy shit this and las Angeles brings me to tears with nostalgia
My favorite retrowave group :')
Please perform this song at your show in Portland, Or on Aug. 29, 2019. It'd mean the world to me and someone I care about.
Gunship, Vandal Moon, and Dryve are also pretty damn good. Gunship is my favorite of this genre
@@cybershinigami9907 fm84 and Timecop 1083 are even better!
@@cybershinigami9907 although Gunship has a pretty great :0
I'm absolutely addicted to this song! ❤❤❤
me too
I'm starting to be addicted as well ^^".
Me too 😄
you still listen?
me too,this song hypnotized me
I just discovered this song and I am instantly obsessed with it. It sounds like something from a lost 80's Teen Movie. This is just fantastic.
This song seriously has magical abilities to make me miss moments in life I never actually experienced
They have.. you just don’t know it yet… 💥 🧠 💥
Born in 1977... the 80's are my childhood! thank you for your music...
Born in 76'. Long live the 80's!
Ya 78 here 👍👍👍👍
I swear I listen to this band at least 20 times a day, no matter the soundtrack. Thank you guys for creating such a magical songs for all of us.
2023 chilling....these songs of the group make me always feel a little nostalgic about my childhood...thank you
These tunes are all new to me , so 80s so me and so chill and they make my heart so happy... much love all... God Jesus loves you...
Girl at my work I was told was a good singer. I try to get people to sing to me all the time and nobody does, especially her. I told her "one day I will get you to sing to me". Long story short because of this song, I won. Thank you
If Rockstar is going to set GTA 6 in Vice City again (in 80's of course), they have to use this song in at least one trailer. Definitely.
Definitely, along with blinding lights
Or you know, just to have the song playing on the radio. 😉It would be kick ass to cruise through Vice City to this song. Or just cruising in any GTA game for that matter! 😍I'm in love with this music.
Youre right dude , musics of this group in gta would be ....great
GTA Vice City 87'. One year later!
except gta6 is set in modern times and this isnt a 80's song at all.
A totally nostalgic 80s tune. I can't stop listening to it and I'm so happy.
last year was by far the worst year of my life. I had health issues, things were bad at work and it all culminated by my mom passing in october. this song was the thing that kept me afloat throughout the year, it helped me dream of better days, of escaping from all the bad stuff and leaving it all behind.
things took a turn for the better by the end of the year but this song still reminds me how tough things were.
thank you for this song, it will always mean a lot to me.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your Mom. Though you will always miss your Mom she’s with you and your heart can rest easy. Things can turn a corner every minute and music can make us feel that there is hope. ❤
@@sherrykorzybski4989 May your mother rest in peace.
I understand my Friend.....
I had an ankle surgery in December of 2010 that crippled me. As a result, I lost a very, very good job as a Supervisor, couldn't walk for a year, lost my car and my Dear Mother passed wife and I had to move out of our Gorgeous home. Consequently, my alcoholism became a beast that almost killed me several times, and then my Dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and passed away the next year. I developed cirrhosis of my liver and spent the next 9 months dying and waiting for a liver, which I did receive!! We lost our beloved Jack Russell, Benny Goodman to cancer.....
God and Music pulled us through those horrible, dark years as well!!❤🎉👍🙏🎸🎵🎶!!! I now play the guitar and write music that I hope touches others as it has helped me!!
God Bless You, We Will Survive!!!!😁👌🫡🎸🎵🎶🫂🙏
And I'm so sorry for your loss, but She's with you Always and All is Mine.....
Man, I am 47 and have obviously grown up in the 80s and early 90s. Who would have thought that the 80s would come back like this? I really like it even though it's not original 80s stuff...
Born in 80' . I remember the 80's and 90's . I remember Tyson getting ko'd by Douglas, the Wall Coming down and seeing such joy on tv it was epic . For Some reason those are the first two things that come to mind when I think about major events of the 80s that I could remember .
i was 7 when the wall came down, and in germany lol my dad was in the army. best years of my childhood spent in the 80s. happy times and this music brings it all back
Okay- so- I've been diving into the Midnight for about 2 maybe 3 days now. EACH SONG IS ALWAYS GONNA BE A BANGER- it's like they can't make a song that sounds bad. How they aren't majorly popular is also a serious mystery to me, this is like... insane.
It's 2:33 am and my toes are still wiggling, vibing to this song. It's been quite a long time since I last listen to The Midnight's songs. Their songs never fail to make me feel something 💯
I was born in 94 but there isn't a day where I feel I was born in the wrong era. 80s FOREVER!
Saaaaaame. I live for the 80s.
Nice one
We are 2 friend, 93 here. But I always carry the 80s in my heart
I was born in 73 but a guy your age introduced me to this, best music I’ve heard in years
Born 78 here. The 80's were indeed epic. I couldn't have had a better childhood. Music like this takes me back.
I was lucky enough to start the 80's as a teenager and end the decade in my early 20's. I can't think of a better formula to have enjoyed that magical time in the best way possible.
I feel you guys that came later in life, who really appreciate and recognize the magic and power of the best decade ever. 🤙
Just bought tickets to see The Midnight in Bloomington, can't wait to hear these songs live. Tried to describe synthwave to a friend, best description I can come up with was "this sounds like how I pretend to remember what the 80s sounded like, but feels just like what growing up then was like." Fantastic band, the midnight is bound to blow up.
I think thats a great distinction actually. The Midnight and bands like them don't sound like the 80's, they sound like the faded memories of 80's that have been made vivid again.
*_John 10.9 I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly._*
_Jesus Christ loves you. Only Jesus Christ saves. Repent and be saved. God bless you, and the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all._
@@__-fm5qv This comment, and the one by @No_Use_For_A_Name1981 resonated with me! You articulated what I felt! Interesting for me, the Outfield, an actual 80s band and in particular, this song was the memory evoked by The Midnight. It's a pity the Outfield did not spawn much more than this song that I grooved to.видео.html
i was born in 86 but I watched the 80s content in the 90's when I was growing its glued to my head like Nostalgia...I feel emotional
This song lights up the midnight like the stars in the sky. Great for traveling in a car at night.
This one and "Los Angeles" are two of the best songs of this band.
"i just feel like i've been stuck here my whole life. there must be something else out there, waiting, just for us. we could run away, and leave and never look back, i dont really care we we go, just far away from here" ))): this intro just hits me everytime because i truly feel like this living here,
Discovered this song on accident right after my first break up and the beginning of Covid when all the lockdowns happened. i would jump out my window on multiple occasions late at night to go for a skate or a sneaky smoke while listening to music, and i would listen to this countless of times. Thank you
Grab a good set of headphones and listen to that drum sound, so good!
Good Times , so greatful lived through this era 80s 90s , best movies, best tunes, all fresh and real , no socialmedia, phones.
Hanging out with your friends, enjoying youth and living life ✨️
The Midnight is "dance in your room by yourself" music. I love it haha.
I randomly heard this song through recommendations with that Jennifer Connolly video and now I’m in love with all their songs
One of the greatest song ever made.
Thank you for sharing your music with us. This song means a lot to my life.
All I can say is that the 24 dislikers should never ever be allowed to use the Internet...
This is fantastic.
This song 🎵 is so amazing that I got tears streaming down. Thank you so much The Midnight for this Masterpiece.
**For Guitarists/Musicians**
Throughout the entire song you can play Bb, Am, Dm, F! Also you can try substituting Am7 or C for the Am. If you want to try a fun twist, throw in a G chord instead of the F-it works in certain parts, such as during the last guitar solo section, and as a spice-bringer at the end of various sections in the song-Have fun!
Edit: I’ve now learned that if you feel extra spicy you can turn that exotic G chord into a G major sliding to A major at certain easter egg spots in the song-such as at the very end of the guitar solo, you can slam that G and then slide to the A before returning to that satisfying Bb maj. Woof!
I just feel like, I've been stuck here my whole life
There must be something else out there, waiting, you know?
Just for us
We could run away
Just leave, never look back
I don't even care where we go
Just far away from here
I'll come with you
You taste so sweet it hurts a little
Ur right bro keep rocking
The best feeling is to drive around at night with the midnight blasting, it’s one of the greatest feelings in the world
In my 98 tj..
All the time
Por aquí empecé a descubrir que a mi vida le faltaba algo.... Esta canción es MARAVILLOSA!!!!!! me convertí en fan de The midnight!!!!! SUNSET NO REGRETS!!!!!!!
Yo también, creo que aquí voy a empezar a escuchar música de verdad
@@leoneldario5274 Es que el Synthwave es lo mejor. :D
This is hidden gem in youtube
Beautiful song..80's and 90's kids were spoiled for musical choices. Just discovered these guys today, I'm hooked.
Love the 80s and I'm a 93 baby
As a guy born in the mid 80s, this music is my zen. I have an '87 MR2 I sometimes go for night drives in and I only play music from 1980-1987 in it. Its pure bliss just riding around in an 80s car just zoning out to good music.
perfection has a name...
The Midnight - Sunset
I just found out this band couple days ago, can't stop listening to it. Makes me remind my old days, good old times! Missing those moments
I grew up in the Eighties, and it was magical. Now I'm 54 and still reside there. My kids also long for that decade.
The only song where I know all the lyrics from the bottom of my heart.
I got gloria down
@@jordanhernandez8609 Gloria is amazing
I dug this song first time I heard it! Wish I discovered it when it was released in 2016. It is catchy & perfect for auto play on car trips, long showers etc. Makes me feel hopeful, nostalgic, longing for real happiness. Love ❤️ it..
This song is on repeat and on all my playlists!!
Only just discovered your music. I absolutely love it. Thank you.
Know nothing about this band but can't start the day without them
Hell, man! This is like the zenith of musical creativity skills! You don't know what level of happiness your music has given me! Thanks guys!
It’s been two years in a row that both The Midnight and Sunset are in my top 3 in my Spotify Wrap-up 🥺💖
Hard same!
I look forward to the day I finally get the chance to see you guys in concert!
How in the hell has it already been SIX YEARS since this song came out? I'm feeling nostalgic for this music in its own right now! Good lord the clock needs to slow down a little.
Love, love, love this! Only found this song today for the first time. Takes me back to the good old days. God I miss that era. I’ll give anything to go back to that decade! 80’s and 90’s were the best!!
I’m mostly blown away by the fact that anyone I show this too is just like “yeah it’s okay” and I’m having an 80’s style nostalgia-gasm
The feeling of falling in love with music, that's the vibe this song will always give me.
The midnight makes me feel that nostalgic 80's mood. I'm loving this song so much...🌅
Welcoming 2023 with this song 👌🥰
Me: Playing this song
Dad: Pauses it
Me: Why?
Dad: I have a bigger speaker in my room
That seems about right.
*based dad?*
True story. I'm a 59 yr old Dad, and Grandpa, with a 4 yr GS who dances this night trip.
Your dad is really cool.
This made me genuinely laugh out loud! In part because it's the sort of thing I can imagine my old man doing!!
80s feel,brings back memories from HS.. Beautiful voice!
Grew up in the 80s, how have I never heard this song or group before?!?!? This is just what I needed.....
Sunset, no regret
First chance, last dance, stuck in the middle
Even bad girls know good love
You taste so sweet it hurts a little😍
What I love is that it feels like an old era but reality it’s today’s music that puts me in the future. Keep up the good work guys. See ya on the 11th next month.
Uunnff that *Guitar...*
God I love this band!!
I love this band for real, this song helps me to study, do homework, at work, gym... everything. I play it even when making breakfast or taking a shower and sing it from the top of my lungs
80‘s were the best years of my life❤
I discovered the midnight like most people, accidentally.
After about a month of being absolutely obsessed I said to myself "if they ever gig over here, I'm going"
Sure enough a week later I saw the tickets on sale and went to their sellout at the O2 academy.
Unbelievable night. But this song in particular blew the roof off the place! Not a single person wasn't singing it at the top of their lungs.
I had tears in my eyes from how good the night was, but more that it had to end.
If you ever get the chance to see them live, do it. I'll be going every time they're here.
Much love from the UK 💜
Seen these live in Manchester few months ago. Absolutely phenomenal. Up there with best band seen live. Boss. Boss.
My comment will get probably lost in here, but I like this song so much... I've met this band on 2017 and they are still the best band for me. Every album was just banger after banger. I'm from 94, I don't even have the right to like this band as much as I do. But it's not just the aesthetic and the nostalgia, it's the composition. This song in particular is one of the best songs ever composed for me. It's the power of electronic raw synths blended with a guitar solo so on point, that creates this moment of pure bliss when the beat drops and the solo keeps playing. I've never heard anything like it from any other band or artist. I love you guys. Looking forward to the NA tour this year so much.
I know exactly what you mean. I was born in 1980. I grew up with this sound. Some years ago, I met a woman. This song was our song. We split, and it still hurts a little. But I still love this song. It reminds me of better times, and makes me a little sad for what might have been.
I lived it too, it was an amazing time to be alive. At least you guys can feel those sweet 80's vibes today!
Their best song in my opinion ❤️